To be afraid of wolves means not to go in the woods.........

Age 30, Male


Hidden in the snow.......

Joined on 12/13/08

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Day is Done

Posted by TrueWolf123 - July 29th, 2012

Day is done, but love unfailing
Dwells ever here;
Shadows fall, but hope prevailing
Calms every fear.
Loving Father, none forsaking
Take our hearts, of Love's own making,
Watch our sleeping, guard our waking,
Be always near.

Dark descends, but Light unending
Shines through our night;
You are with us, ever lending
New strength to sight;
One in love, your truth confessing,
One in hope of heaven's blessings,
May we see, in love's possessing,
Love's endless light!

Eyes will close, but you, unsleeping,
Watch by our side;
Death may come: in Love's safe keeping
Still we abide.
God of love, all evil quelling,
sin forgiving, fear dispelling,
Stay with us, our hearts in dwelling,
This eventide.



Lol where'd you come from?

Nice poem.

Thank you.
But it's called a hymn.

From behins that large goat over there.

hm...you seem familiar.
Have we met?

yes but what does it all mean?
*sits in easy chair smoking a pipe while wearing a robe that resembles Hugh Hefner's*

Read the title.
If you don't figure it out, call tomorrow. :D

Day Is Done.
sounds like the day is over now
is it?

argh..10 min left for me.
Okay. The day is done.
Read it very closely.

Lemme guess...you wrote this down from the camp you went to that you just came from only days ago?
I applaud you sir.

lol nice

Tuesdays gone ._.
with the wind....
sorry i had to get that out. i like Lynyrd Skynyrd...

so your day is over now?

Read between the lines one more time.

come on brandon!! it says the word a buncha times!!

I have a feeling you already got it?
If not don't worry. I'll put a bunch of these on, at least once every week.

nope still dunno
im partially retarded remember?

At the end of the week I'll explain to what it means. WHoever guesses it gets a free cookie.

i think so.....love? did i get it? o.O
dude ur not retarted thats me!!


is it about life? ._. depression? sunsets? COOKIES?!!?! (its about cookies isnt it? :3)

You guys are really far from the truth....

The day has been done, and you are thanking God for blessing you with another day to live. And even throughout the night while you sleep, you're praying for him to protect you, even through death.

Only you would get it. :)

\/ yeah i would never have guessed anything like that \/


Yep :D

thats just not fair! I DEMAND A COOKIE!! >:O and ONE FOR VIPER TOO!!

yeah! i need a cookie for all of this emotional damage im dealing with!

Will pancakes suffice?

...no ._.
i accept only: cookies, waffles, or a ruby the size of a persons head

I make homemade waffles.

if we're placing orders i'd like a giant brownie the size of........you know what i want 7 large pans of brownies

you might as well send me the money instead of night.

Heck, make me somethin to eat man!
And you have to since we literally both know each other.

if im ending you the money it'll just be 5 bucks ._.

For 7 large brownies?

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