Reason I said that was cause....I mean it's pretty good music. It helps you think clearly while you'r doing chores, working on projects, or just to relax and think. Don't you agree?
You dont have to do this, but if you can, try to listen to at least one jazz piece a day for 1 month. Doesnt matter who it is thats playing: your favorite artist or the guy down the street (hey he can be the next John Coltrane. Who knows? Ever seen the movie the Soloist?)
Anyway, whenever you guys do this, just reply back and tell me how it helps you in ur daily life. Any comment is necessary............except the stupid ones that say stuff like "I hate jazz!"
Ok I respect that, but keep the nasty ones to urself. Positive comments are appreciated.....
(I suck at news posts.............plz dont judge me.)